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Dealing with Stressful Situations

Everyone can benefit from learning to deal with stressful situations – it’s essential for good mental health. You can’t fully avoid stress, but this course will help you take steps to reduce its impact. Understanding how to manage stressful situations will help you achieve a more balanced work and personal life. 

What you will learn

We all suffer from stress at one time or another. It’s a consequence of living in the fast-paced modern world, right?  It’s how we deal with those stresses that really matters. This course is designed to help you identify the triggers that cause you stress, and choose better responses to it. It’ll also help you implement ways to increase your resilience, so stress doesn’t build up quite so quickly.

iAM Dealing With Stressful Situations Landing Page Image 2

About this course

Life is full of stressful situations, and your brain is built with a system to deal with them: Fight or flight. This prepares your body to deal with the threat, so it’s great if you’re hiding in a kitchen full of velociraptors or leaping from a building that’s about to explode with a fire hose tied around your waist. But it’s not always so helpful in everyday situations. If stress gets out of control, it can make you mentally and physically ill.

If you find yourself wanting to fight or flee when you’re faced with a deadline or with meeting your significant other’s parents, you might need to change the way you handle stressful situations. With preparation and practice, you can learn to manage the fight-or-flight response and tackle stress in a better way. That’s why you need this course. 

Engaging the learner

While not exactly being the normal Christmas movie you sit down with your kids to watch each year, Die Hard did have a strong theme. Main character John was put in a situation where what he did was literally a matter of life and death. That’s the sort of stress that would send any person yippee-kai-yay-ing. But the way he dealt with that stress was admirable, and we though he’d be a great, relatable character that our learners could aspire to.

We started with a pre-course exercise to get learners thinking about the things that trigger stress, so they know exactly what they’re about to tackle head on. We use great interaction, our trademark humour, rich voiceover work and knowledge checks in order to create a well-rounded course that learners don’t have to be shoeless to benefit from. And when the day has been saved, there are takeaway tasks to help learners put their new skills into practice at their own pace.



Everyone has the right to learn and learner need can vary demanding on environment or disabilities. This course comes with transcripts so people have text options for an media, subtitles for all videos and is screen reader friendly with alternative text.

We take a number of steps to ensure visuals and navigation is easy for your people. For more information on the steps we take for accessibility check out how we make our courses.

Our customers

Making workplace learning fun

Yeo Valley Organic
Great Places Housing Group
Lanes Group PLC
Mountain Warehouse
Travel Counsellors
The Entertainer - TheToyShop.com
Yeo Valley Organic
Great Places Housing Group
Lanes Group PLC
Mountain Warehouse
Travel Counsellors
The Entertainer - TheToyShop.com