iAM Speaking Up for Yourself Landing Page Artwork 1

Speaking Up for Yourself

Everyone, no matter how confident, can recall a time when they wish they’d spoken up. Most of us have also been in a situation where we’ve spoken up and found it didn’t go well. But that shouldn’t stop you from upgrading this useful skill. This course can help you identify when to speak up and how to do it effectively.  

What you will learn

You’ll discover how to identify the risks and benefits of speaking up for yourself and you’ll be able to explore the skills required to speak up effectively. This course will also help you make sure that your approach to speaking up is always respectful.

iAM00237 - Speaking Up for Yourself - Landing Page Artwork Template

About this course

Nerves are rubbish. If you find yourself feeling too nervous to ask your boss for a pay rise or time off, or find it hard bringing something up with a colleague, you’re not alone. Having difficulty saying no to something or finding yourself in an uncomfortable position after your silence has been taken as agreement is common, too. 

As scary as it might seem, you’ve got to stand up if you want your true intentions to be known. Speaking up for yourself can make a real difference to your personal, social, and work life. This course will help you find ways to speak your truth, deal with others honestly, and learn to speak up for yourself.

Engaging the learner

Speaking your mind can be scary, but it’s also empowering and can even inspire those around you to do the same. Using the power of storytelling and animation we’ve addressed the challenge of speaking up for yourself by looking at how to overcome your fears, and explaining the great benefits of voicing your thoughts, concerns, and ideas.  

Getting people involved in the learning process – using scenario-based questions – allows the learner to compare the situations to their own place of work. Learners are also faced with some key reflective questions as well as a quiz at the end of the course

Peace of mind with testing

Peace of mind with testing

This course also has an assessment at the end which allows learners to test their understanding and helps businesses demonstrate a level of competence in the topic.

With a bank of questions learners will get randomised assessments which means if people do fail the assessment, they aren't faced with the same quiz again; after all you want to test learners knowledge and not their ability to remember the right button to press second time around.



Everyone has the right to learn and learner need can vary demanding on environment or disabilities. This course comes with transcripts so people have text options for an media, subtitles for all videos and is screen reader friendly with alternative text.

We take a number of steps to ensure visuals and navigation is easy for your people. For more information on the steps we take for accessibility check out how we make our courses.

Our customers

Making workplace learning fun

Yeo Valley Organic
Great Places Housing Group
Lanes Group PLC
Mountain Warehouse
Travel Counsellors
The Entertainer - TheToyShop.com
Yeo Valley Organic
Great Places Housing Group
Lanes Group PLC
Mountain Warehouse
Travel Counsellors
The Entertainer - TheToyShop.com