The Power of a Strong Network

No matter who you are or where you work, networks are important for career development. Take this course to help you see the benefits of a strong network, how diverse networks can expand your horizons, and how best to nurture your networks so you get the most out of them.

What you will learn

This course shows you how to make the best use of your networks and expand your web of contacts. It will help you see how diversifying your network can strengthen ideas, partnerships, and opportunities. It will also give you tips on taking care of the relationships within your network so you can negotiate win-win situations.

iAM 00251 - The Power of a Strong Network - Landing Page

About this course

Have you ever heard the saying ‘It’s not what you know but who you know’? Well, it’s true. But if you’re stuck at the bottom of the career ladder, squeezing spots, and cleaning chamber pots, that might not be much comfort. Luckily, no matter where you’re starting from, you can create a strong network to get you closer to your goals.

Building and maintaining a strong network is important. Good networks can help you develop in your career and innovate. They’ll open you up to new opportunities. A powerful network can help set you up for long-term success. This course will tell you everything you need to know.

Engaging the learner

There are loads of resources out there about networking, but we think the messaging on networks has got muddled. People seem to value quantity over quality. We’re here to tell you otherwise. In this course, we’re looking at how it’s better to have a strong and targeted network rather than just knowing lots of people.

This relatable course uses fun animation alongside interactivity to test learners’ knowledge in a clear and engaging way. You’ll also find tasks to take away and have a crack at yourself that’ll help you reflect on developing your career and taking care of your network.


Everyone has the right to learn and learner need can vary demanding on environment or disabilities. This course comes with transcripts so people have text options for an media, subtitles for all videos and is screen reader friendly with alternative text.

We take a number of steps to ensure visuals and navigation is easy for your people. For more information on the steps we take for accessibility check out how we make our courses.

Our customers

Making workplace learning fun

Yeo Valley Organic
Great Places Housing Group
Lanes Group PLC
Mountain Warehouse
The Entertainer -
Travel Counsellors
Yeo Valley Organic
Great Places Housing Group
Lanes Group PLC
Mountain Warehouse
The Entertainer -
Travel Counsellors